Pune-based tablet and smartphone-maker Swipe Technologies on Friday said it will launch a new affordable 4G tablet, named Ace Strike, with 2GB RAM during the last week of September at a price range of Rs.8,000 to Rs.10,000.
According to Swipe, it is going to offer the new device at a more aggressive price point in contrast with rivals who are offering increasingly sophisticated devices at continually higher price points.
Swipe's current market share in the tablet category is approximately 10 percent.
"Today's youngsters believe in living life on their own terms and keeping that in mind, we bring to you India's first and most affordable 4G technology to push internet usage to an unprecedented level," Shripal Gandhi, founder and chief executive of Swipe, said.
"Our new tablet, to be launched under our much successful #LiveYourFaith tagline, will be positioned in a way that will find instant connect with the youth of the country," he added.
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The company said the highlight of the new tablet will be its 'one-hand operation' mode and it will be powered by a 64-bit 1.3 GHz quad-core processor along with a 2GB RAM unit.
It will come with a 16 GB on-board memory, which will be expandable up to 32 GB.
The new tablet will have a 6.98-inch HD display, a five-megapixel rear camera unit and a two-megapixel front camera.
The new device will draw power from a 4,000 mAh battery.