Kerala-based Neha Ratnakaran, who is making her cinematic debut in upcoming comedy drama "Ivanuku Thannila Gandam", says Tamil filmdom is the best place for an actor to start one's career.
"When I got the lead role in 'Ivanuku Thannila Gandam' I was excited because I was going to make my debut in an industry where talent is given top priority and acknowledged. The Tamil film industry is a great place to start one's career in," Neha said in a statement.
The film, which is directed by S.N. Sakthivel, revolves around a character's fear of water.
Neha says she's not afraid of water.
"I come from the land of exotic beaches and water. I grew up in a place abundant of water; hence I have no fear of water," she said.
The film features television actor Deepak in the lead.