Eid-ul-Fitr will be celebrated on Thursday in both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh as the moon of 'Shawwaal' was not sighted on Tuesday.
Ruwait Hilal Committee or moon sighting committee comprising Islamic scholars announced here on Tuesday that there was no information about sighting of moon from any part of the two states.
"Since the moon of Shawwaal was not sighted today, July 6 will be 30th day of Ramadan and Eid will be celebrated on July 7," announced Moulana Syed Mohammed Qubool Pasha Qadri of the committee.
Following the announcement of the religious scholars, Andhra Pradesh government issued an order declaring July 7, instead of July 6 as the general holiday.
Telangana government has declared Eid holidays for two days - July 7 and July 8. It had earlier announced holidays on July 6 and 7. In view of the announcement of moon sighting committe, it issued orders altering the two-day holiday.