Indian cricket legends Sachin Tendulkar and Anil Kumble condoled the death of former Bengal Under-19 cricket captain Ankit Kesri, who died in a private city nursing home on Monday after sustaining a head injury in an on-field collision during a local game.
"Saddened by the demise of Ankit Kesri. A promising career aborted by an unfortunate incident on field. May God give strength to Ankit's family and friends to cope with this loss #RIP," Tendulkar wrote on his social networking page Twitter.
Kesri sustained a head injury in an on-field collision during a local game and died in a private city nursing home on Monday.
Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) treasurer Biswarup Dey said the 20-year-old promising East Bengal player was injured on Friday in a collision with another fielder while taking a catch during a senior knockout match against Bhowanipore.
Kumble also tweeted his grief at the death.
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"Sad news of a young promising cricketer Ankit losing his life on field of play. May God give strength to loved ones to bear this loss!," he wrote.
Kesri was given mouth-to-mouth resuscitation by another cricketer, S.S. Singh, and then examined by a doctor before being rushed to a private hospital in an ambulance stationed at the Jadavpur University stadium.
The opening batsman, who was also a member of the Under-23 Bengal squad this year, passed away this morning following a massive heart attack, a CAB official said.