Union Urban Development Minister M. Venkaiah Naidu Friday said RLD leader Ajit Singh's "threats" on being asked to vacate his government bungalow here "won't work".
"Threats won't work," Naidu told reporters here without directly naming Ajit Singh.
He said there was no question of political vendetta against Ajit Singh, former civil aviation minister in the Manmohan Singh cabinet.
The Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) workers are demanding that Ajit Singh's bungalow be declared the Chaudhary Charan Singh Memorial Centre like the bungalows of late prime minister Indira Gandhi and leaders Lal Bahadur Shastri, Kanshi Ram and Jagjivan Ram were.
About 200 farmers and policemen were injured Thursday in clashes when the RLD and Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU). The farmers were demonstrating against the water and power supply being snapped at the Tughlak Road residence of Ajit Singh to force him to leave the government bungalow. Ajit Singh lost the Lok Sabha elections in April-May this year.