The leading ladies of TV show "Shastri Sisters" celebrated the festival of Raksha Bandhan in advance with a twist - they tied rakhis to a few members of the Delhi Police force as a mark of gratitude.
Raksha Bandhan falls Sunday.
The actors - Neha Pednekar (Alka), Ishita Ganguly (Anushka), Sonal Vengurlekar (Devyani) and Pragati Chourasiya (Peeya) visited the capital Friday, and tied a rakhi to Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police P.S. Kushwaha here apart from some other policemen.
Neha, who plays the oldest daughter in the show, said in a statement: "Tying a Rakhi to someone signifies that you trust the wearer of the Rakhi to protect you. When we shot for 'Shastri Sisters' in Delhi in June, we all felt a sense of safety thanks to the Delhi Police and thought we should honour their work."
The show's story traces the bond between four sisters during tough times. It narrates their journey from the small city of Kanpur to the capital city Delhi, and how they battle problems in love, bullying by peers and landlord problems.
Sonal will also be seen tying a Rakhi to the Delhi police.
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"I believe that Raksha Bandhan is an occasion that signifies protection in any form. I salute not only the Delhi police, but the police and armed forces across the country," she said.
"Shastri Sisters" airs on Colors.