Actor-producer Udhayanidhi Stalin, who is awaiting the release of Tamil romantic-comedy "Nanbenda", will soon start working on a yet-untitled project with Amy Jackson and another with filmmaker Ahmed.
"Shooting of my film with dir Thirukumaran starts frm Feb 22nd! @Jharrisjayaraj sir is the music director! Lookin frwd! @iamAmyJackson plays the female lead role! Sathyaraj sir doing a v important role (sic)," Udhay posted on his Twitter page.
Thirukumaran's film also features comedian Karunakaran in an important role.
Udhay's other Tamil film with filmmaker I Ahmed is titled "Idhayam Murali".
"We start shooting from April end. We haven't finalised on the leading lady yet, but we've roped in Anirudh to compose the music," Ahmed told IANS.
As a producer, Udhay's next film "Tamiluku En Ondrai Azhuthavum", is slated for release Feb 20.