Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav will attend the "Hannover Messe" - the world's largest industrial trade fair - which was jointly inaugurated on Sunday by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
An official here said Yadav will be leading a high-level delegation from the state and launch a website in German language aimed at selling the state as a favourable tourist and investment destination.
An advance team of officials, including Principal Secretary Industrial and Infrastructure Development Mahesh Gupta, have already reached Germany to attend the four-day trade fair, in which 14 Indian states are participating.
The officials on Monday welcomed German chancellor Merkel and Prime Minister Modi at the Uttar Pradesh section in the Indian pavilion.
The delegation is also scheduled to meet Roer Rooden, the chief finance officer of Alphabet, a subsidiary of BMW, an official told IANS.