US Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday that he had reached an agreement with Afghan President Hamid Karzai on the terms of a security deal that governs future American military presence in the South Asian country.
America's top diplomat rejected reports about an Afghan demand in the negotiations for an apology by President Barack Obama for military mistakes that have hurt the Afghans in the decade-old bloody war, Xinhua reported.
"I'm pleased to say that in a series of conversations with President Karzai in the course of this morning ...that we reached an agreement as to the final language of the bilateral security agreement that will be placed before the Loya Jirga tomorrow," Kerry told reporters at the State Department after hosting Australian foreign and defense ministers with Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.
He said under the bilateral security agreement to be reviewed and approved by Afghanistan's traditional Loya Jirga or grand assembly of tribal elders, the remaining US forces will play "a very limited role" in training, equipping and assisting the Afghan forces after the NATO and American troops exit by the end of 2014.
"There is no combat role for United States forces," Kerry said. "And the bilateral security agreement is an effort to try to clarify for Afghans and for United States military forces exactly what the rules are with respect to that ongoing relationship.
"It's very important for President Karzai to know that the issues that he's raised with us for many years have been properly addressed, and it's very important for us to know that issues we have raised with him for a number of years are properly addressed."
Washington was seeking Kabul's agreement to give remaining US troops immunity from Afghan laws and allow them to enter Afghan homes in exceptional circumstances.