Used car martketplace Droom on Monday said it would partner with Delhi-based JetSetGo (online marketplace for booking private jets, helicopters and air ambulances) to add aircraft to its buy/sell category.
"Droom is expanding and pushing its limits by foraying into the fun rides and experiences category for rental, and chartering of private planes and choppers," the company said in a statement.
"The addition of the aerial vehicle segment gives the company the opportunity to tap into the ever-expanding private aviation segments by utilising Jet Set Go's resources. The minimum package is Rs.1.56 lakh," it added.
"By partnering with JetSetGo, we are poised to leverage the growing spending power of the Indian consumers to provide them with need-based private aviation solutions," said Sandeep Aggarwal, the founder and CEO of Gurgaon-based Droom.
"What better partnership to have than by two of India's pioneers in their respective fields. I am confident that the two company's together will revolutionise the transport space," said Kanika Tekriwal, the co-founder and CEO of JetSetGo.