The Uttar Pradesh government on Friday asked the Varanasi district administration to expedite work on the detailed project report (DPR) for Metro Rail in the city.
Chief Secretary Alok Ranjan, who was on a day-long visit to the temple city, issued instructions to this effect.
He said the 25-km metro rail route in the city will be chalked out in consultation with the people.
Noting that the state government was committed to provide better public transport and easing traffic pressure in the city, Ranjan said officials and various departments have also been asked to publicise various schemes and projects to the public representatives that have been initiated by the state government for the people.
The chief secretary ordered suspension of District Panchayat engineer Arvind Rai and PWD (NH) superintendent engineer R.N. Singh for negligence in resolution of complaints by general public and representatives of people as well as in execution of development work.