Actor Varun Sharma, who earlier shot for his travel show "Ice Road Truckers, India's Deadliest Roads", will soon be launching his short film on travel, which has been made on the lines of Hollywood star Rowan Atkinson's 2007 comedy film "Mr. Bean's Holiday".
Varun loves travelling and is very fond of photography.
When he got an opportunity to travel from Manali to Siachin glacier via Leh in Ladakh in a truck for his show, he thought of using the opportunity to make his short film.
"I am a huge fan of Mr. Bean and always wanted to make a short film like he does in 'Mr. Bean's Holiday'. So when I got this opportunity, I thought why not use this opportunity to make my short film as well," Varun said in a statement.
"It is a travel diary and it is very impromptu shoot. I enjoyed shooting it and I am sure people will also love watching it," he added.
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