The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) Wednesday asked FICCI not to hold a lifestyle exhibition, "Alishan Pakistan", set for next week here.
"The sentiments of our citizens would be hurt if you allow promotion of any product of a country which is attacking Bharat," Ram Krishna Srivastava of the VHP said in a letter to FICCI.
The letter, released to the media, has been sent to Delhi's Lt. Governor, the police commissioner as well as the India Trade Promotion Organization, whose Pragati Maidan is to host the event Sep 11-14.
FICCI officials were not available for comment.
The second "Made In Pakistan Expo Mumbai" was cancelled at the last minute by the organisers recently.
The four-day "Alishan Pakistan" show would have seen around 300 Pakistani entities exhibit their products ranging from garments to textiles.