Actor Vinit Kakar, known for his work in shows like "Vighnaharta Ganesha" and "Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman", says he feels blessed to play a demon in "Mahakaali - Anth Hi Aarambh Hai".
"I am playing the role of Madhu. He is one of the demons who was born to annihilate Brahma. However, Brahma spots them and invokes Goddess Mahamaya.
"At this point, Vishnu wakes up, and the conspiring demon with his brother get killed. This leads to Vishnu being called 'Madhusudanah' - the killer of Madhu," Vinit said in his statement.
Vinit feels blessed to be part of the show.
"I'm thankful that people are enjoying my character as 'asur' as I have played such roles in various mythological shows," he said.
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