Vistara on Thursday said it commemorated the 83rd anniversary of India's first commercial flight by organizing a special day out for underprivileged children and surprise offers for customers centred around "83".
"We are very fortunate to represent the great legacy of our parent brands (Tata Group) and keep JRD Tata's zeal for flying alive," said Vistara CEO Phee Teik Yeoh in a statement.
India's first commercial flight was piloted by former Tata Group chairman J. R. D. Tata on October 15, 1932 from Karachi to then Bombay, pioneering civil aviation in India.
As part of the celebrations, Vistara took underprivileged children on an excursion to The Garden of Five Senses in Delhi and engaged them in exciting activities and games, the winners of which will be rewarded with an all expenses paid round trip to one of Vistara's destinations, the statement added.
Offers and promotions for the customers included an exclusive fare of Rs.830 plus taxes to select destinations and 83 bonus points for all Club Vistara members flying today among others, the statement said.
Tata Sons holds the majority stake of 51 percent in Vistara while Singapore Airlines Limited (SIA) holds the remaining 49 percent. The airline commenced operations on January 9.