Delhi Police Commissioner B.S. Bassi Tuesday said the increase in the number of complaints registered by women showed that the members of the community were coming out to report crimes committed against them.
"Following the Dec 16 incident, women are now confident about reporting crimes," Bassi told media persons at the Police Headquarters here on the second anniversary of the Dec 16 gang-rape and murder incident.
At least 700 rape cases were reported in 2012 and this year, 1,900 cases have been reported so far.
He said Delhi Police have taken many initiatives in the past two years, including speedy investigations, increase in the count of distress helpline numbers, introduction of a women's help desk, cases concerning rape and assault being investigated by women officers, security audits of guest houses, and patrolling in sensitive areas.
"We want the women of Dehi to become braver. Delhi Police has provided self-defence training to 14,000 women," said Bassi.
He also said they would be distributing pepper spray to 1,000 women.