Here comes a fitness wristband that can tell wearers exactly how many calories they have consumed and used during the day.
Called GoBe, it can monitor everything you eat and drink - automatically.
The band can show calories consumed and burned, activity, hydration, sleep, and stress levels.
GoBe is a large wristband with sensors on the back.
It works by combining data from a pulse sensor to measure fluid level in tissues, and accelerometers to measure movement.
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Data is then sent via bluetooth to a smart phone app that analyses it and creates a series of charts for users.
"GoBe is the only way to automatically measure calorie intake - through your skin by reading the glucose in your cells," said Shipitsyn, CEO of the firm Healbe that developed the app, was quoted as saying.
GoBe does not require you to keep a food diary, scan bar codes or take photos of your meals.
The app can also measure water levels and even stress using sensors on the back of the gadget, said a Daily Mail report.