The BJP Saturday released its second list of Lok Sabha candidates, fielding former Karnataka chief minister B.S. Yeddyurappa from Shimoga in the state and Rajya Sabha MP Chandan Mitra from Hooghly in West Bengal.
The Bharatiya Janata Party announced 52 candidates in its second list including five from Assam, 20 from Karnataka, three from Kerala, five from Odisha, two from Tripura and 17 from West Bengal.
The names were finalised by the central election committee of the party which met here Saturday.
Apart from Yeddyurappa, party candidates from Karnataka include former chief minister D.V. Sadananda Gowda from Bangalore North and party general secretary Ananth Kumar from Bangalore South.
Yeddyurappa had floated his own party after resigning as chief minister following his indictment by the Lokayukta for alleged corruption. He returned to the BJP earlier this year.
The list of 52 candidates includes many sitting MPs, former ministers and party office bearers.