Prime Minister Narendra Modi might not want to mark 100- or 200-day anniversaries of his government because he believes he has received a mandate for five years and the electorate should judge his government's performance after that. However, there are enough people within the Sangh Parivar ever willing to mark even the most tangential of anniversaries. The Overseas Friends of Bharatiya Janata Party (OFBJP), the party's outreach to the Indian diaspora, is one such. A press statement from the outfit said how its leaders were travelling to Dubai this Diwali to celebrate the festival. At the "Dubai Diwali event", these leaders will "mark 144 days" of the Modi government by "lighting 144 clay diyas". Despite their devotion to celebrating the achievements of the Modi government, the OFBJP is yet to learn to correctly spell the PM's given name. It continues to spell it as "Narender" or "Narinder".