Regulators and rating firms are the most to blame.
The Republican Party’s economic philosophy emphasises free markets, fiscal conservatism and minimal government. The banking bailout package pushed by the Republican administration negates all the Republican beliefs: what it does prove is that the core, market fundamentalist philosophy remains “private profit, public losses”. There are those who argue that the government may well make money on the $700 bn worth of “toxic” securities it will buy from the troubled banks, and that the bankers have also lost: many employees of Bear Stearns and Lehman now hold worthless stock in these companies.
True: the poor dears are now left with barely hundreds of millions rather than the billions they were entitled to, for having manufactured all those complex derivatives to “meet investor demand”! (Richard Fuld of Lehman took home $480 mn in the last few years, only a minor portion remaining in Lehman stock.) In reality, the aim of complexity is not so much to meet investor demand, as to make pricing and risks non-transparent! The margins were so juicy (Dealbreaker, a blog, estimates that house sales and mortgage securitisation generated $2,000 mn of fee income in the last few years) that they forgot that “the gains in our ability to model (and predict) the world may be dwarfed by the increases in its complexity — implying a greater and greater role for the unpredicted” (Nassim Taleb, The Black Swan). And, the outsize packages continue. Barclays and Nomura are spending $2.5 bn and $1 bn respectively to retain erstwhile Lehman employees in businesses they have taken over. Even more complex derivatives will have to be invented to recoup the expenditure.
But this apart, the US package has been quickly followed by many European governments guaranteeing the safety of bank deposits and rescuing more banks. In a concerted move, the central banks in the US, Europe and Japan have cut rates and are pumping money in the system, even buying unsecured paper.
Perhaps the two institutions of the credit market which come out with the least credibility out of the whole crisis are the rating companies and the bank regulators. As for the former, it is obvious that competitive pressures, “the threat of losing deals”, tempted them to compromise their standards as Bloomberg reported, quoting documents and employees of the rating companies. Without these AAA ratings for junk paper, quite possibly there would have been no crisis!
Coming to banking regulation, the crisis represents a colossal failure to supervise effectively what was happening in the credit market:
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Turning back to the banking bailout plan, given the circumstances, it clearly was necessary. Will it be sufficient? Keep your fingers crossed!