Business Standard

Action is the best antidote to helplessness

The highest satisfaction has come from using my professional skills to help reconstruct the financial records of a family that lost its breadwinner


Harsh Roongta
The ferocity of Covid 2.0 has caught everyone by surprise. The desperate search for hospital beds, oxygen, and key medicines by those whose loved ones are fighting this scourge leaves one dumbstruck.
Even those not immediately affected are suffering from a sense of anticipatory helplessness about arranging medical facilities for their loved ones should they fall sick. This helplessness only deepens as they see even influential people struggle to get a hospital bed. The pandemic has destroyed the unspoken belief of the upper-middle class: In an emergency, throw money and use contacts to access medical facilities. Doesn’t work any
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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