B S Yeddyurappa, Karnataka’s beleaguered chief minister, is a bit like Dilip Kumar in the movie Mughal-e-Azam. Arun Jaitley, the BJP’s fire-fighter in Karnataka joked, “In the film, Prithviraj Kapoor played the role of Dilip Kumar’s father and asked his son to make a choice between takht (power) and Anarkali. In this case, the Reddy brothers’ camp is doing the same thing. They are asking him to make a choice between CM’s chair and Shobha Karandjale.” Karandjale, the minister for rural development and panchayati raj, is a favourite of Yeddyurappa — according to his detractors, Karandjale’s growing clout in the Yeddyurappa cabinet annoyed the Reddy brothers and they want to remove her to clip the CM’s wings.