Last week, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat and Bharatiya Janata Party patriarch L K Advani released a book, Hamare Rajju Bhaiya, on the late RSS chief Rajendra Singh, popularly known as Rajju Bhaiya. At the launch ceremony, Bhagwat said only on three occasions had people seen Singh lose his temper. Once, while travelling by road, Singh got upset when a truck driver refused to give way. When his car got ahead, he directed the driver to stop the car, proceeded to flag down the truck, hauled the truck driver out of his vehicle and delivered him a stinging slap. Bhagwat's recounting of the incident caused some mirth among the gathered Sangh activists. Some whispered how the conduct of the former Sarsanghchalak would now be termed "road rage". Singh headed the RSS from 1994 to 2000.