Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi is now an "angry young man", beating up his political rivals as did Ajay Devgn in the Hindi movie Singham (2011). In the blockbuster, Devgn plays a cop taking on bad guys. In a video clip, circulated on free messaging application WhatsApp, Gogoi's face is superimposed on Devgn's in an action sequence from the film. The faces of his political rivals, such as Bharatiya Janata Party leaders Pijush Hazarika and Jayanta Malla Baruah, are superimposed on the faces of the bad guys who get beaten up. Both Baruah and Hazarika recently switched parties after leading a failed coup against Gogoi in the Congress. Baruah took the news about the video in his stride and said: "I'm sure I'll enjoy it."