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'Arnabgate' undermines the Modi govt's national security narrative

Goswami's source can be prosecuted under Section 5 of the Official Secrets Act for communicating and disclosing secret information, and Goswami for receiving such information and purveying it further

Arnab Goswami

Arnab Goswami

Bharat Bhushan
In April 2009, the chief of counter-terrorism at the UK’s Metropolitan Police was held to have compromised an anti-terrorist operation because he was photographed alighting from his car with a document titled ‘Briefing Note: Operation Pathways’. Assistant Commissioner Bob Quick was carrying it to a security briefing at the British prime minister’s residence, 10, Downing Street. Operation Pathways had to be brought forward and the careless police officer had to resign for this inadvertent disclosure.

Much worse has happened in India. Prima facie evidence suggests that operational intelligence about an impending military strike against Pakistan might have been shared with a
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of www.business-standard.com or the Business Standard newspaper

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