Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday presented a Budget that kept the Narendra Modi government’s fiscal consolidation track record intact and used a variety of measures to bolster the government’s revenue efforts.
The Union Budget, the first by the Modi government in its second term, also outlined new reform initiatives like a big drive towards privatisation, relaxation in the foreign direct investment (FDI) policy, including norms for foreign portfolio investors, a new policy on rental housing, an incentive package for faster adoption of electric vehicles, freeing up of land held with public sector undertakings for housing projects and a
The Union Budget, the first by the Modi government in its second term, also outlined new reform initiatives like a big drive towards privatisation, relaxation in the foreign direct investment (FDI) policy, including norms for foreign portfolio investors, a new policy on rental housing, an incentive package for faster adoption of electric vehicles, freeing up of land held with public sector undertakings for housing projects and a
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