Business Standard

Saturday, February 15, 2025 | 07:40 PM ISTEN Hindi

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FDI seems to have put faith in select Indian entrepreneurs, not govt policy

Modi said India has attracted $20 billion worth of foreign investment between April and July this year which the government didn't fail to celebrate. But does it represent the reality?

The government wants to keep the lowest threshold possible since it does not want to put existing FDI inflows from China under undue pressure

The government wants to keep the lowest threshold possible since it does not want to put existing FDI inflows from China under undue pressure

Kanika Datta New Delhi
In several addresses to foreign investors this year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sought to position India as an alternative investment destination to its own particular Great Satan, China. This is the best time to invest in India, he told them. 

Foreign investors appear to have responded with alacrity. Mr Modi said India has attracted $20 billion worth of foreign investment between April and July this year. This is remarkable by any standards. In a year when the global economy has contracted sharply owing to the pandemic — India more than any other emerging market — this is no less
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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