Having picked up seven brands from Actavis, the Rs.1,978 crore Glenmark Pharmaceuticals now has the products and the marketing support to roll out its generics business in Europe. |
The seven brands should post a combined sales of $15 million in the current year; of these Cital (anti-depressant) and Lamotrix (anti- epileptic) contribute about 50 per cent. With this, Glenmark now has a presence in three of the top ten CEEMA markets "� Czech Republic, Poland and Romania. The Polish pharma market is particularly lucrative and, according to research firm BMI, is estimated at $ 4.9 billion (Rs. 19,600 crore) currently with the potential to grow to about $6.1billion (Rs. 24,400 crore) by 2011. Glenmark has now been able to establish its generics business across the globe"� it has a presence in the US, Latin America, Australia, Asia and now Europe. In the US, it is one of the successful Indian generics firms with a turnover of approximately Rs. 540 crore, almost one-fourth of its overall turnover. To achieve this, it has made a string small acquisitions and though small "�they have added to the product range and turnover. Glenmark is also working towards becoming a global research company by acquiring specialty businesses in the US and EU markets as a platform to launch proprietary products. |
The current acquisition, analysts believe, may be slightly dilutive to earnings in FY09 though it should start contributing to the bottom line next year. Glenmark's operating margins expanded by a smart 580 basis points in FY08 to 40.6 per cent. |
The company is expected to close FY09 with revenues close to Rs 2,600 crore and a net profit of Rs 750 crore. The earnings per share should grow by about 19-20 per cent over the next couple of years. |
At the current price of Rs.606, the stock trades at 21 times estimated FY09 earnings and is not cheap. However, the company should do well despite chances of disappointments from discovery-driven products. |