Business Standard

Good coffee is extinct

The coffee is often tepid by the time one manages to drain the contents of the mug over a smooth stretch of road. This means I'm ready for a cappuccino by the time I reach office an hour later


Kishore Singh
Now that office begins earlier than it used to, breakfast is a rushed affair, which means the cherished cup of filter coffee must now be carried in a mug in the car to be consumed on the commute to work. The cook likes to fill the mug to the brim, despite requests to be less generous, so it requires expertise and a steady hand to balance as the driver goes over speedbreakers and potholes. Traffic jams cause jerky stops and starts likely to lead to spills perilous to the state of one’s office clothes. Therefore, the coffee is often tepid
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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