As many as 13 sisters-in-law (bhabhi) are contesting the Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls. The familiar ones are Aparna Yadav (Lucknow Cantonment) and Dimple Yadav (Kannauj). Madhuri Verma, the wife of former MLA Dileep Verma, who is in jail, is contesting from Nanpara. Parmila Dhar Tripathi is fighting from Handia after her husband Rakesh Dhar Tripathi was jailed on a graft charge.
Alka Rai, the wife of slain Bharatiya Janata Party legislator Krishnanand Rai, is fighting the Mohammadabad seat from Ghazipur. The BJP has fielded Sanju Devi, the wife of Rambabu Gupta, who was killed in Ambedkarnagar. She is contesting
Alka Rai, the wife of slain Bharatiya Janata Party legislator Krishnanand Rai, is fighting the Mohammadabad seat from Ghazipur. The BJP has fielded Sanju Devi, the wife of Rambabu Gupta, who was killed in Ambedkarnagar. She is contesting