Former Delhi legislator Vijay Jolly was removed from the position of chief of the Overseas Friends of Bharatiya Janata Party in November 2014. The outfit is the BJP's arm for its outreach to the Indian diaspora. Jolly pocketed the slight but floated somewhat of a rival outfit, the Delhi Study Group, that tries to keep itself relevant in New Delhi's diplomatic circuit. Jolly's efforts, including press releases that he issues, make for an entertaining read. On Monday, Jolly issued a statement on behalf of his outfit, congratulating Bhutanese King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Queen Jetsun Pema on the birth of a "Gyalsey" (prince) on February 5. Jolly said the news of the "newborn... has generated a wave of joy and excitement in Bhutan and India alike". The release also "lauded the humanistic touch, personal care, eternal love and affection of His Majesty for the Queen since he was by her bedside during the time of delivery". There was more: "You are a superb creation of the Almighty on this earth. And we are happy to be your close friend and contact in India," Jolly said of the Bhutanese King.