It is quite disturbing to read that outstanding loans by wilful defaulters of public sector banks have gone up 20.4 per cent to Rs 92,376 crore at the end of the financial year 2016-17 compared with Rs 76,685 crore at the end of 2015-16. The number of wilful defaulters has also risen to 8,915 from 8,167.
The concept of non-performing assets (NPA) was introduced to ensure that balance sheets of banks reflect the true picture of their financial position. The underlying idea was that banks should take follow-up of loans and advances sincerely so that the profit of the
The concept of non-performing assets (NPA) was introduced to ensure that balance sheets of banks reflect the true picture of their financial position. The underlying idea was that banks should take follow-up of loans and advances sincerely so that the profit of the