This refers to Jehangir Gai's column "Consumers can lose if complaints are delayed" (Consumer Is King, April 20). The phrase "consumer is king" carries with it some social ethics. Although the Consumer Protection Act is legislated in the interest of the consumer, it should not be carried out to illogical and ridiculous lengths, as it is prima facie misuse of the law. The very purpose of the enactment of the Limitation Act under civil law is to ensure that opportunistic methods of obtaining financial gains by way of damages should be controlled by way of time. Legal interpretations are not commercial activities and do not carry with them profit motives.
Contesting consumer complaints after an abnormal delay is an implication of blowing hot and cold in the same breath, which is not the purpose of justice. Further, ignorance of the law is no excuse for either party and will not be tenable in any court of law. Such grievances can only be resolved by way of an amicable out-of-court settlement between the aggrieved parties, not as a complaint from the consumer against the servicing agency through legal channels.
C Gopinath Nair Bengaluru
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