With reference to Chinese Whispers’ item “Stressed employees” (BS, June 26), the situation seems to be quite worrisome for various high-debt companies in the current economic scenario.
While the promoters could blame none but themselves for their predicament, one feels sorry for the sleepless nights of the employees concerned. For sure, such a situation would not have emerged overnight and it amply indicates that these companies must have been turning a blind eye to the ground realities for long.
However, it goes without saying that cutting administrative/operational costs by taking recourse to such cost-saving steps could bring some
While the promoters could blame none but themselves for their predicament, one feels sorry for the sleepless nights of the employees concerned. For sure, such a situation would not have emerged overnight and it amply indicates that these companies must have been turning a blind eye to the ground realities for long.
However, it goes without saying that cutting administrative/operational costs by taking recourse to such cost-saving steps could bring some