The questions raised in Abheek Barua's article "The Modinomics euphoria: questions" (December 4) are valid. Even if we discount the success in Gujarat to the efforts of one man, the question that needs to be considered is how plausible is it to replicate the success factor of one state in the entire nation? And even if it's possible, then it needs not just one, but two to three successive terms before we can actually see the ideas of "Modinomics" in demonstration. What investors currently want is fast approval of their proposals. For this we need to move away from approvals by multiple ministries, and form a single powerful ministry that has access to all the required authorities to fasten the approval process, instead of making investors run from pillar to post. Tax laws also need to be made more lucid, simple and adaptable depending on different sectors such as energy and infrastructure. If one man can work well to garner the continuous support of all factions for a longer period of time, then these "ideas" may work.
Vinay Singhal, Gurgaon
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