A K Bhattacharya, in his column, "Selling reforms on Independence Day" (August 17), has succinctly analysed Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Independence Day speeches in three consecutive years. Modi's emphasis was on empowerment rather than the hitherto policy of entitlement.
Bhattacharya has missed one important point in Modi's speech, though: ensuring accountability, responsibility and efficiency in the deliverance of various schemes. The public will have to ensure that public servants are accountable.
Come Independence Day next year, Modi would likely silence his detractors, as his policies would start yielding results by then. Chief among them would be scuttling the generation of black money and prosecuting the guilty.
When the Modi government would have been in power for five years, he would present its report card in his Independence Day speech that year.
I hope that in one of his future articles, the writer will talk about what Modi would say in his next two speeches.
Naresh Saxena New Delhi
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