This refers to Nitin Pai's column "Mr Modi's follow-through risks" (The Asian Balance, December 22). By now the new government is fully aware of the need for a cohesive foreign policy, inadequacy of professionals for seeing through ideas, constraints in Parliament and the diversity of views in the Vishva Hindu Parishad, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and even in the Bharatiya Janata Party and challenges from the foreign policy angle from China and Pakistan and many other concerns. Many of these concerns have been endemic and continue to haunt the government. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is vociferous rhetorically at times and keeps silent for a period of time. His exercises with foreign countries, the bureaucracy and domestic leaders are reported to be consistent.
What is expected of a leader is that he should be trying to do his best on risky fronts and lay his hands on opportunities. So far, Modi's strategy has been to build India's image in the world. He knows fully well that India is now a coupled country integrated into the wired world and that his actions and reactions would have so much to do with the flow of money into India and the gaining of congenial impressions of business and politicians of the world at large.
K U Mada Mumbai
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