The report, “Lok Sabha passes Motor Vehicles Act” (April 11), indicates that a number of far-reaching reforms are being proposed to make journeys by road safe.
The transport minister should be complimented for his steadfastness in pushing big-ticket reforms and for promoting bipartisan opinion. Another side to the motor transport discussion concerns its deadly impact on the environment. Thus, vehicles are required to get a pollution control certificate periodically. But how reliable are the certifying units at most petrol pumping stations is anybody’s guess.
When I requested my authorised service centre for a pollution check, I was told
The transport minister should be complimented for his steadfastness in pushing big-ticket reforms and for promoting bipartisan opinion. Another side to the motor transport discussion concerns its deadly impact on the environment. Thus, vehicles are required to get a pollution control certificate periodically. But how reliable are the certifying units at most petrol pumping stations is anybody’s guess.
When I requested my authorised service centre for a pollution check, I was told