Apropos Vinayak Chatterjee's column "Renegotiating PPP contracts" (Infratalk, May 21), the public-private partnership (PPP) contracts are suffering, thanks to the government fully passing risks to the private sector and treating long-term contracts as cast in stone. Among others, one major project that continues to suffer is K-G basin. It's time the government showed courage to review such contracts. These should be revised through political will, and not under the fear of the Comptroller and Auditor General or the Supreme Court's reprimand. The responsibility of governance - taking action and execution - lies with the government. It needs to bring every institution concerned on board, including the Opposition, regulators and courts, to ensure the success of the PPP model - which is much desired for the $1 trillion dream in the 12th Plan.
Sanjay Banka Gurgaon
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