This refers to the report "IAS officer leading crackdown on sand mafia suspended" (July 28). The Uttar Pradesh government's decision to suspend Indian Administrative Services (IAS) officer Durga Shakti Nagpal has unveiled the corrupt face of the government since the newly appointed officer had waged a war against the sand mafia in Gautam Budh Nagar. Nagpal's suspension will surely demotivate young IAS officers who perform their duties properly. The supension of IAS officers is not new in the country. Senior IAS officer Ashok Khemka has been transferred 44 times due to his actions against corrupt people. In fact, Nagpal's suspension raises a big question on the state government's modus operandus and treatment with the officers. Since such suspensions are done regularly by the state governments for their personal interest, the Supreme Court should introduce strict guidelines to guard against this.
Mohd Mudassir Alam Bihar
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