This refers to Premvir Das' article "No feather in anyone's cap" (September 27). That such revelations should come from the ex-Army head, who was not only privy to the alleged goings on but instrumental in willingly carrying it all out as part of a greater purpose, can not be defended even by Chanakya. Everyone espousing an apolitical army in our nation, a tradition maintained since Independence, must view the General's utterances with concern. Wikileaks opened up vaults to the the secret levers of diplomatic workings with equally severe international ramifications. But the current one relates to the internal political management of a vast nation and the subtle manipulations that must go with it. A spill from a Pandora's box could, hence, be vitiating on national interests, on as yet unknown fronts. A disregard for sage circumspection and abundant caution coming from people on oath of secrecy, is worrying.
R Narayanan Ghaziabad
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