With reference to "Bombay HC lets 'Udta Punjab' fly after just one cut", (June 14) while the ruling is heartening because it upholds the liberty of creative expression, even more important is that court added a word of annoyance, stating it was an unnecessary controversy and the court's time was too precious for the case.
Disputes between the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) and the film industry are quite common, their frequency having increased lately. With a plethora of cases before the court, a dispute of the Udta Punjab sort taking precedence over more important ones is a bad development. This would be worse, if such a case went up to the Supreme Court. Self-restraint by film-makers along with reform in the working of the CBFC is the way to ensure that the judicial focus remains on important issues.
Sachin V K Jadhav Washim
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