The editorial "Dropping the cost" (May 23) suggests that the natural gas pricing should be linked to coal on a calorific value of 5,300 kilocalories per kg (based on the calorific value of Indonesian coal). What will favour natural gas even more is that the power plant efficiency for natural gas is generally higher than coal. A number of factors have distorted the traditional relationship between coal and natural gas prices to unsustainable levels. Gas turbine is an old technology. Most of the energy is wasted as exhaust heat. It is inefficient compared to coal-fired steam turbines. But it has an advantage: it can be brought on line quickly to cover peak loads. The current drop in gas pricing is mainly owing to shale gas. But shale gas, despite its triumphal reputation, faces substantial uncertainties. If methane emissions from fracking turn out be as bad as some of the high-end estimates, there could be serious environmental regulations coming down. In that case, the price of natural gas will not stay low forever. The problem in India is the crumbling infrastructure, and whether it is the pithead or the port, the transportation is a big problem. For many years to come, we have to use all resources like oil, gas and coal.
M M Gurbaxani, Bangalore
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