The scheduled T20 cricket match between Mumbai Heroes, the cricket team of actors of Hindi film industry led by Sunil Shetty, and the members of Parliament (MPs), is slowly becoming popular with the parliamentarians. Even as the cricket team of MPs is in place with veteran cricketers such as Mohammed Azharuddin, Kirti Azad and Navjot Sindhu as its members, MPs from different political parties are getting in touch with the Constitution Club to secure a place in the team. The desire to play cricket against film stars has even compelled MPs, who are usually not interested in playing cricket, to try and find a place in the team. The match is scheduled to take place at the international stadium in Dharamshala on May 20. The film industry will be represented by Sohail Khan, Bobby Deol, Riteish Deshmukh, and Aftab Shivadasani. The MPs team will be led by Anurag Thakur, a BJP MP and BCCI joint secretary.