Trust Parliamentary Affairs Minister M Venkaiah Naidu to find novel ways to unsettle his younger colleagues on the Opposition benches in Parliament. When he got up to reply to Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi after his speech on the agrarian crisis in the Lok Sabha last week, Congress MP Gaurav Gogoi tried to interject at some point. "Please Tarunji have patience," Naidu responded, referring to Gaurav by the name of his father and Assam Chief Minister, Tarun Gogoi. This unsettled Gaurav who tried to correct Naidu, forgetting all about the issue on which he wanted to speak in the first place. Soon, the Congress' Rohtak MP, Deepender Hooda, interrupted Naidu. "Please, Bhupinderji," Naidu said, referring to him by his father and former Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Hooda's name. The effect on him was similar to what Naidu had on Gogoi junior.