Business Standard

Patna Sahib will be make or break

The outcome in that Lok Sabha seat will decide what is more important: The Modi-Shah hegemony or winning the seat

jobs, election

Illustration by Ajay Mohanty

Aditi Phadnis New Delhi
Mr X was insistent. “Please don’t use my name,” he begged. “Raviya hamara dost hai,” he said lapsing into Hindi in his anxiety “and you can’t be a Kayastha in Patna and not know R K Sinha — or Shatrughan Sinha, for that matter”. This report is based on his analysis.

Patna Sahib is going to be one of India’s most interesting contests: Because nowhere else has caste, power politics, and generational change come together to form a combination so potent that it is combustible.
R K Sinha is a venerable and respected pillar of Patna’s “prabuddha” (intellectual elite) population. A
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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