The battle at Bombay House has become a favourite topic of discussion on Delhi and Mumbai’s cocktail circuit. The other day, the CEO of a prominent business group was heard telling others how Ratan Tata’s tryst with “M”s continues.
First, it was a bad “M“ (Tata once referred to West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee as a bad “M” for driving out the Tata Nano from Singur); then it was a good “M” (then Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi, who offered land at Sanand); followed by yet another bad “M” (Cyrus Mistry).
The CEO wasn’t finished yet — after bad “M”s, Tata is now stuck with a bad “N” as well — an obvious reference to Nusli Wadia whom the Tata group is now seeking to oust from three of the group firms.