A is for aam admi who held up his voter card or inked finger while standing in long queues to show ‘the world’s largest democracy’ was at work
B is for behen, who stole the limelight
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D for Digvijay Singh, who tried to steal the limelight
E is for exclusive interview; two by Modi, granted to Madhu Kishwar, Smita Prakash; one by Rahul Gandhi, granted to Arnab
F is for #Feku, cousin of #Pappu
G is for ‘Gujarat Model’ of development, mysterious, undefined, but a model
H is for hashtag, the real winner of the elections, leading to endless merriment
I is for ink, to be thrown on approachable leaders
J is for Jasodaben
K is for Kejriwal, who made it to Time’s 100 most influential
L is for Lali, auto driver. Refer to K
M is for model code of conduct, followed neither in letter of spirit
N is for NOTA, or None of The Above, which made its debut in voting, and gave Indian voters a real alternative
O is for opinion poll, not to be confused with opinion
P is for polarizing. As pointed out by Modi, not to be confused with people sitting on poles
Q is for Qureshi, mysterious meat exporter
R is for Robert Vadra, both noun and verb, an election issue
S is for Shahzada, a prince in Urdu, representing the son of rulers; to be used with correct dose of sarcasm. Also, S is for selfie, to be shot with discretion
T is for Tsunami, comes after Wave
U is for U-turn. Go to K.
V is for Varanasi, a scared place for Hindus, and PM aspirants
W is for Wave, whether real or not will become clearer. Also, W is for Women whose safety and empowerment is an electoral promise made by all
X is for Xavier’s College, Mumbai, whose Principal added to the buzz
Y is for Yoga, practiced to stay fit during campaigning
Z is for zoo, of panic-stricken rats, and other animals