Business Standard

Sunday, February 02, 2025 | 10:53 AM ISTEN Hindi

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Think in India, for India

'Think for India' campaign would require less publicity than Make in India, and may yet be impactful


Neelkanth Mishra
That 70 years after Independence, with more or less continuous democratic rule, we are still far from providing basic services such as drinking water, health, education, housing, electricity and all-weather roads to large chunks of our population cannot just be blamed on faulty execution or political intransigence. Economic prescriptions have been at fault too: After all, if the patient struggles to comply with a treatment regime and fails to get cured, the doctor must share the blame. A root-cause analysis may point to deeper issues with lack of data availability coming out tops. But one wonders if over-reliance on imported
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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