Communist Party of India leader Gurudas Dasgupta's running feud with Petroleum Minister M Veerappa Moily over a gas price increase due next year has taken a new twist. Not being content with filing a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the Supreme Court, Dasgupta has written a complaint to the prime minister against a change of responsibilities among top ministry officials. But Moily had put the changes on hold after Dasgupta had filed the PIL, so that the joint secretary overseeing the pricing issue was kept in place instead of being transferred as originally planned because of his expert knowledge of the issue. Asked if he had been responsible for this status quo, Dasgupta insisted that the transfer of the joint secretary concerned was going ahead."Who is feeding you all these lies?" the veteran Left leader demanded. "Do not trust anyone in the petroleum ministry, what I am telling you is the correct information as far as petroleum ministry is concerned. The joint secretary has been stripped of pricing [as a responsibility] and he is only in charge of exploration now." He may be right, but only partially: the joint secretary will retain his original charge till at least September 6 when the PIL is heard. After that, who knows.